View Profile Fuoco

63 Audio Reviews

54 w/ Responses


How could this be? Only one review for this song? I cannot allow that.

Con dolore... indeed. I'm so full of endorphines because of excercise right now, and listening to this song was just perfect. I closed my eyes and listened to this over and over. I wish I could understand this song more, because no matter how simple it sounds to play, to me this is a very complicated composition.
I can't even point a moment in this song (as I usually do) and remark something about it, something like: "I like 2:52" because I feel as if I were somewhere else when listening to this.

I'm defenitely downloading this, there's a lot of moments I could use it. The many days I'm not home I tend to feel like this, when that happens again I'll play the song and I will try to understand it a little more.

Thank you for uploading this. There's a lot of songs I want to hear from you, i.e. what happened to that village dance you mentioned? :(

Anyway, this is very beautiful. I got to show this to my dad.
Don't ever stop shining.


Winterwind-NS responds:

Haha thanks buddy
don't try too hard trying to understand this piece that's not the idea. Enjoy it for what it is.
The Village Minute Dance is already done, I just never got around to making it into an mp3.
thanks again Fuoco

Impressive, as usual!

You certainly got the hang of how commercial music is supposed to sound. Your inbox must be flooded with requests for custom music ;)

It's a nice simple melody in the begining, it's great how the brass and strings interact, because the strings are not just background as they are sometimes used. Kudos on that!

I'm curious to know what are those at 0:23... are these woodwinds? If they are and this song is ever played live, I doubt the woodwind players would like to sit aside the rest of the orchestra only to play a single measure. But sounds great non the less. I like how they mark the transition to a more serious part, and then to a glorious part (0:52-0:54).

It's great overall and loops perfectly. The game producers must be pleased.
Thanks for submitting this piece, David. Defenitely 5/5 and 10/10.


DavidOrr responds:

Thank you Fuoco! As usual, a prime example of how reviews should look!

The woodwinds are scattered throughout the piece, although their part is always secondary. If I do lengthen the piece out, I'm going to definately find a place to stand out, because I know the feeling of counting 80 measure rests just to play 2 notes (I was a percussionist back in my high school concert band). Thanks for noting that!

I wouldn't say my inbox is flooded with requests for custom music, but I usually get several per week. Considering your abilities, I'm sure you get your fair share as well!

Many thanks for the review!

Bien hecho

De entre todas tus canciones, ésta es la que más me agrada.

0:00 - 1:13:
Es una buena introducción, los octavos de la mano derecha casi al azar sin duda hicieron notar que es apenas el principio. Solo para establecer la atmósfera, es al mismo tiempo lo que no me agrada de este segmento. Siempre he pensado que el principio de una canción debe atraparte en el momento en que la escuchas o no habrá nada que le interese para esperar cómo progresará la canción. Pero es sólo mi opinion personal. Te diría algo como: "Compone algo con logística y teoría, para hacer una canción que toque el corazón de las personas y no solo sus oídos"... PERO la canción no termina ahí, el resto de la canción por supuesto que toca el corazón de las personas. Buen trabajo.
Me gusta la mano izquierda, el arpegeo jamás se vuelve repetitivo. De hecho me parece de los mejors acompañamientos para el piano.

1:13 - 2:19:
A esto me refería con tocar el corazón de quien escucha! Usar básicamente puro treble tanto en bajeo como en melodía fue ingenioso. No me esperaba escuchar la mano derecha en ese lado. Me gustó que vaya paulatinamente disminuyendo las notas del bajeo para terminar como originalmente iba. Esta sección me recuerda a un funeral, como si bajasen poco a poco el ataúd de quien más quieres e ir recordando todo lo que pasaron juntos a cada momento que baja más en la fosa...

2:20 - 4:36:
Me viene a la mente que esta es la sección en la que pasa el día después del entierro, tantos pensamientos y setimientos enterrados, aflorando poco a poco. Confusión, tristeza y finalmente ira cuando llega 4:03. 4:20 es cuando al fin llega la resignación.

4:37 - final:
Es básicamente un resumen de toda la canción. Se mezcla un poco de los tres segmentos anteriores. Lo mejor de todo es que no se escucha como si simplemente hubieses copiado una pequeña parte de varios segmentos, como lo he escuchado anteriormente, sino que se escucha bastante original. El final estuvo bien, siempre es bueno un glissando acompañado de una nota baja al final.

En resumen: Estuvo muy bien compuesta. Me da gusto encontrar personas en newgrounds que hagan música y hablen español. A veces se me hace difícil escribir reviews y decir lo que siento exactamente si lo tengo que decir en inglés :D.

¿Podrías escuchar mi última canción? Me gustaría saber lo que piensas.



Jabicho responds:

Wow, lo primero que se me viene a la mente es: ¿siempre escribes comentarios tan increibles como este? No te imaginas lo que significa para mí que te tomes el tiempo de analizar toda la canción, cada parte, cada nota =)

¿Te recuerda a un funeral? me gusta mucho que eso te venga a la mente, y es muy interesante, sobre todo tomando en cuenta que desde el minuto 2:20, me enfoco en una fuerte tristeza, pesada y agotadora, como querer gritar y no poder en el último minuto. De hecho al escribir esta parte, es donde más me enfoco en el título "lágrimas de cristal". Imagina a una persona que quiere derramar lágrimas, pero al mismo tiempo no puede hacerlo, porque cada una se convierte en un trozo de cristal, y cada pedazo puede ser mortal para el que las derrame, lo cual lleva a sentir una gran desesperación.

Ahh, me hiciste recordar toda la historia de esa canción ^_^, el principio lo escribí pensando en la alegría de la vida, en como alguien puede tener recuerdos tan hermosos de lo que ha vivido, y luego un contraste con lo malo, dejando una importante lección, el afrontar la vida con todo el corazón. n_n

Gracias otra vez por tu comentario, ¿sería mucho pedir que me dejaras otros como este en mis otras dos composiciones? me alegran el día ^_^


I knew it sounded familiar!

This is the song from the Castle crashers contest!
Boy wasn't that fun, we both made it to the top 50 :D
I remember that I was impressed that at your age you managed to compose such song. This is quite aggressive, those clashing strings made it sounds like we're all in grave danger, you feel the adrenaline pumping your heart and boosting your muscles ready to kill womans and rape soldiers (lol jk).
Brass is well composed, the main melody is nice and simple and yet interesting. Melody composition varies depending on your ethnic group, I just wish you worked more on developing the melody rather than making it sound epic and battle-like. The way it is now sounds like an arabian battle.
Adding vocals is certainly a nice touch, making it sounds like the evil guys-theme.
Also, how about adding a calm melodic part? That would be certainly a nice break from all that blood thrusting/bone breaking/sword clashing you hear through the entire piece. My head can't take much of it if the entire song is just loud intense smashing.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts.

A really nice piece indeed, I'll make sure to check out your next submission.
Keep that up!


CyprusX responds:

Yes , i like raping soldiers...in the butt >:D

And yeah , i was hoping i would win that contest , but oh well , live and learn.
I never really developed much on this song , i just changed the levels and tweaked some of the instruments , added some more notes , played with the volumes etc, so i basically remastered it , anyway thanks for the review and be sure to check out my next submission , or i will kill you with my sword >:D

Necesita improvisación

Pero me gusta que al principio hayas usado violines para llenar el vacío que llevaba el piano que era casi puro treble. A partir de 0:30 hace que me ladee de un lado a otro al compás de la canción.
En 0:46 el piano era exactamente lo que debía venir para crear la melodía, el asunto es... que no es exactamente una melodía, son tres notas ascendentes que se repiten de nuevo. Parece que es otro bajeo más y me parece que se escucharía mucho mejor con una melodía que te atrape, que te haga tararear la canción sin darte cuenta, algo como cambiar la melodía de mayor a menor.. o que de repente entrara el solo de un violin.
Veo que en 1:02 se ha convertido en arpeggios, aunque los arpeggios se consideran como lineas de bajeo no siempre es así. En este caso se escucha bien, y es donde me doy cuenta el porqué en tus comentarios dices que es un paseo sobre las notas. Mi parte favorita es en 1:12, cuando llega a la nota más alta y va descendiendo hasta regresar a la melodía del inicio. Es un buen final, es sencillo y la extensión de los violines hizo que no sonara como si se cortara abruptamente la canción.

Veo que eres nuevo subiendo canciones a newgrounds. Bienvenido! Tu perfil no dice mucho de ti, no se de donde seas pero yo soy de México y me da gusto encontrar personas que gustan de escribir música y que hablen español para variar. Yo también compongo canciones, me gustaría que escucharas alguna de mis canciones un día de estos.

Sólo un consejo, en newgrounds encuentras muchas canciones con el título "piano" "Light piano" "Classic piano", así que te recomiendo que pienses en un título más original la próxima vez o automáticamente los demás creerán que la canción será tan buena como el título y no escucharán la canción de buena gana.

De ahora en adelante estaré viendo tus futuras canciones, no se cual software usas para tus canciones pero si quieres yo podría utilizar los sonidos que yo uso para que los instrumentos se escuchen más reales y automáticamente atraerá la atención de los demás. Tu dices si deseas que te ayude, yo use Finale 2005, Noteworthy composer y Garritan Personal Orchestra.

En resumen: No está mal para empezar! Tienes mucho potencial por explotar
8/10 pero te doy 5/5 para ayudar.


fher responds:

Ola mi buen amigo mexicano compositor , disculpa la enorme tardanza en responder tu comentario acerca de mi composicion por ahi del año 2009 jexD , me doy cuenta q eres un buen musico y compositor y claro q escuchare tus composiciones , espero subir proximas composiciones para q me des tus criticas , te dejo tambien mi correo , ometecutli_1@hotmail.com

estamos en contacto

de igual manera da gusto saber q hay mexicanos en este sitio y q gustan por la buena musica

Very nice

I liked the melody, its good and catchy. A song's soul would be the melody, without it the song means almost nothing to me. But you sir, have composed a wonderful and yet simple song. I can see your potential, and despite the fact that I love piano music I'd love to listen to this orchestrated. In my opinion, it would sound more "royal" like with strings and trumpets.. but being the way it is its very good neverthless.
The engagement part you probably meant was from 0:19-0:37, I can really see a celebration being held at the castle. Lots of wine and cake, dancing and stuff.
I like 0:38 and forward, that sounds very castle like..
I wish you could make this a bit longer, and find some better equipment because newgrounds tends to not like midi sounds... no matter how good the composition is..

Anyway, good jarb! I'll keep an eye on you from now on!

Stolkmen5000 responds:

That is very kind of you. Let me first say that I love your input and that this was never meant for this type of keyboard. It was rather intended for a harpsichord, which is rather more royal, so yes. Sadly GarageBand has the worst choice of sounds, which is good for them making us buy their other stuff, and that I wish I could find a better converter. And yes, I always wanted to do an orchestra piece but never found the fill ins beside the melody and the other parts. And I totally think that it should be performed, I HATE MIDI...PS tyv v v vm for your comment


For a RPG? Sounds good enough. Makes me think of the king's daughter theme, she playing in the backyard full of flowers and butterflies. For the intro it sounds more like an overworld theme, but when the flute comes out it really sounds like a girl theme. The violins and brass in the background is what distinguish her royalty.
It loops perfectly too. I'm intrigued to hear the full version.

As a song this is great, but there is something that worries me about being a videogame piece: The main melody sounds like a fuge, you really can't pick a specific melody due to many instruments playing another one. I really think you should improve a more involving melody. It's a videogame song, so it should stay in your head. That's one of the most important aspects about videogame soundtracks.

But still, it's a great piece. I really liked it.


Twistedtechnology responds:

as it seems to be commonly mistaken, this particular piece wanst originally intended to be placed in the game XD But if you see the it could fit into one then i wouldnt mind adopting it into the game at all. I can definitely see this as a princess theme.

But to me, rather than her being in a garden with flowers and butterflies *not to say thats not a bad vision, because it totally works, for a young princess*, but more as a princess walking down the isle on her wedding day, making her way slowly to her prince with a glow so magnificant that all the room can feel her warmth. And the only reason i come up with that *for the most part* is because everytime the melodies resolve themselves before starting anew, i believe i borrowed that particular sequence of notes from a song i heard in church ages ago.
So with the image of a church so fresh in my mind, thats how i come to that idea, and i also feel that all the intruments depict very clearly the emotions that would be going through her mind, as well as her subjects'. I have the whole scene painted to bright in my head right now its kinda scary XD

But anyhow, its also kind of a fluke that it loops so well, i guess i tried to end it on a chord that would lead back into the opening chord, mainly so as not to have it feel so cut off when posted here, but also because i knew the song wasnt done, and interesting stuff can be done from this point. Im most appriciative of your review good sir!!! I thank you kindly for your vote of five, and will make as much haste as i can to get the full version out to you and the rest of NG asap.

Your music is wonderful btw, had i the time i'd review each and every one of them, but alas time is something i dont have too much of anymore! :P

Thanks again sir, and happy composing to you!

Piano + Orchestra= Pwnage

I like the changes in dynamics, how in the piano suddenly goes from a calm feeling to a strong and powerful note(1:26), and yet with the violin part that doesn't happen when I was almost seeing it coming :) It was a pleasant surprise, a nice contrast.
I think the main melody is quite original, I can almost see Wladyslaw Szpilman playing and enjoying this piece. One of my favorite parts is how the notes are going up and then down (2:10), the piano solo. I liked the ending, I'm glad you didn't fade out lol. I've just noticed your ending sounds a bit like my latest song's ending (check it out if you haven't).
And wow, you never cease to amaze me. You just felt like writing something and THIS came up? It usually takes me months to think of a good song, and not always I can write it down even if I feel like it.
But one day I shall steal your secret and learn how to do such thing >;)

Great song Rocky, you get a five from me.


MusicalRocky responds:


Should've known you would stop by ;)

Dynamics are one thing I try to pay attention to and vary. I do like the buildup of power in up to that F F in the piano melody too :D. I did it a bit when the solo violin played, but not so noticeably.

I'm glad you think the melody is original! I hope all my melodies are. Szpilman! :')

I don't know why I wrote that at 2:10, really, it has nothing to do with anything else in the piece. lol. I'm glad you liked the ending, that was one of my favorite parts to write :)

:D I'm glad you enjoyed this. I'm not really that amazing lol. I just like to write music. Generally if you really, really like doing something, you tend to be good at it (or so people tell me).

Thanks for the awesome review and the five!


Very well done.

But what the hell are you talking about? Almost every song in Golden Sun is orchestrated, and this song is no exception.
I love this, because you used every instrument exactly how it was meant to be used. This version is like a high quality from the GBA version :), and that means a lot for your remixing skills.

I have a complaint though:
1:19-1:36 .- If my memory does not fail me, the strings are supossed to sound louder. It's barely audible, I bet very few noticed there were strings. It also sounds more chromatic.

Other than that, it's just awesome. It reminds me of those moments of me playing that game. I think I played that game about 3-4 times each (GS1 and GSTLA) with all djinns. Ivan was my favorite character.

Anyway, keep that up!


Hello everyone!

Irving Hernandez @Fuoco

Age 37, Male

ER Physician

UAS Med Faculty

Sinaloa, Mexico

Joined on 9/17/05

Exp Points:
1,638 / 1,880
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Vote Power:
5.48 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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