I am not taking piano classes after all, but it's not bad. I've been playing for a month now and I already got two beautiful girls that wants me to teach them.
No, seriously. I guess I should thank Winterwind-NS for his song: Nocturne no.9 in D major "Daziella" since that's the song I played for them. I'll start teaching some theory first because they know nothing, so the fact that I am so unexperienced doesn't matter.
ALSO, for the people that keeps PMing me about making a new song:
I'm busy from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm at school and hospitals, so I really don't have much time for composing. BUT, I am making a song and right now I've got 3 different melodies so far (Childish, sentimental and battle themes, in that order) and it'll take me a few months to orchestrate them all. But as promised, I am making more songs than usual. I'm just letting you know, I'm not lazy.
That is all.